Eli House

Graduate Student in the mechanical engineering department at Colorado State University. Note: This website is still under construction, so please excuse the mess.

Research Interests

Machine Learning gif
Machine Learning
CFD gif
Computational Fluid Dynamics
DA gif
High Performance Computing and Optimization Methods

Curriculum Vitae

coming soon

Read more about my projects in my blog posts

Multigrid Convolutional Neural Networks for PDEs

Implementation of a PINN using multigrid CNNs to solve the 1D poisson's equation.

Plot of poisson
Bike wheel optimization

Optimization Project

Optimized a bicycle wheels stiffness and weight using reliability based design and evolutionary algorithms

Magic Mirror

Created a smart mirror to display useful information such as weather, reminders, and calendar

Latest Blog Posts

Coming soon...check out my Medium to see more.


coming soon

by Eli House



by Eli House


Coming Soon!

by Eli House